Airline Industry – August 24th

After a promising two weeks of increasing passenger throughput, TSA traffic has stagnated again this week. Dropping 1.5% on average compared to last week, it failed to set a record high on Monday like it has historically. With a high of 841,806 passengers, 21,143 below last week’s high there may be a cause for alarm, however the market continued to surge up in the airline sector this week, with a 5% increase in Delta stock by midday Monday and other airlines following a similar trend.

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Airline Industry August 17th

FAA traffic numbers for Atlanta for the month of June saw a steady increase in flights to and from Atlanta. May reported a high of 673 daily flights, while June nearly reached 40% of pre-corona numbers at 955 daily flights. June of last year averaged 2,609 daily flights. Expect to see a decline for the month of July, if TSA checkpoint numbers are anything to go by. The ratio will not be 1-to-1 however, as airlines will likely change their schedules to match the needs of their customers.

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Small Business Administration-August 10th

Weekly Recap In the July 31st edition of the Paycheck Protection Program report, the Small Business Administration released updated loan approval data. The cumulative amount of loans outstanding in GA for the last two weeks increased by 6949—from 160,449 to 167,398 active loans. The cumulative dollar amount of loans in GA for the last two […]

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Restaurant Industry August 10th

Restaurant Reservations Reservations numbers continued to climb this week, with a 3.4% weekly average increase for both the US and Georgia. The US numbers climbed from -59.3% to -55.8% and GA numbers climbed from -54.2% to -50.8% Despite rising coronavirus cases in the US, people are still going out to fine dining establishments.  Casual Dining, […]

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Airline Industry August 10th

TSA checkpoint After more than a month of stagnation with passenger numbers, TSA checkpoint traffic has finally passed another milestone–more than 800k passengers traveled Sunday August 9th. While daily traffic numbers haven’t been this high since March, it is still only 31% of what passenger throughput was a year ago. Average daily throughput increased by […]

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Restaurant Industry August 3rd

Restaurant Reservations Restaurant Reservations remain on the rise this week, with the weekly average for Georgia up 3.42% (from -57.7% to -54.2%). US restaurant reservations are also up this week, climbing 2.27% (from -61.57% to -59.3%). While the increase of reservations stats has slowed from when we first began analyzing it, this increase still stands […]

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Airline Industry August 3rd

TSA Checkpoint TSA checkpoint traffic is remaining stable around 650k, with the daily average only increasing by 15,493 passengers (from 649k to 664k). It has been one month since traffic peaked at 764k. Since then, the daily average of traffic hasn’t changed significantly from week to week. The flattening of the TSA checkpoint curve coincides […]

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Small Business Administration-July 27th

Weekly Recap In the July 17th edition of the Paycheck Protection Program report, the Small Business Administration released updated loan approval data. The cumulative amount of loans outstanding in GA increased by 2,121—from 158,328 to 160,449 active loans. The cumulative dollar amount of loans in GA increased by $31,280,680—from $14.332 Billion to $14.363 Billion. While […]

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Restaurant Industry-July 27th

Restaurant Reservations Reservations showed a slight increase this week in Georgia—climbing 1.24% over last week’s average, from being down 58.9% to 57.7%. The US average stayed stable this week, around 61% over last year. Casual Dining, fast Food, and Bars Casual Dining in the southeast saw a slight 1.3% increase this week, from being down […]

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Photo of an undetermined Georgia Tech home game during the 1918 college football season. That's when the sport was hit by the Spanish flu and the end of World War I.

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